Bye bye Bambi

By Anonymous - 24/05/2021 19:59

Today, I hit two deer at the same time on my way to work around 50 mph. They jumped out of the bushes last minute, leaving me zero time to react. I waited a full year to get this truck, shopped around to get what I wanted, and it's my "dream truck". I've only had it for two weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 042
You deserved it 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That’s what insurance is for. Be glad the only damage was to your vehicle and not you.

That’s why you hopefully have good insurance including comprehensive and collision on your end. If you bough a super new truck and didn’t insure it properly so you could save a few bucks then you kind of deserve it.


That’s what insurance is for. Be glad the only damage was to your vehicle and not you.

That’s why you hopefully have good insurance including comprehensive and collision on your end. If you bough a super new truck and didn’t insure it properly so you could save a few bucks then you kind of deserve it.

I hit a deer. Counts as a no fault accident and my insurance paid the full value of the car. You'll be fine.

Michael Sawyer 11

IF he insured it. and by the way he posted, I would suspect that he does not have any.

bobsanction 18

Hope you also had your dream insurance policy.