By Wilhelm - 26/04/2016 14:47 - Philippines - Makati

Today, I heard water dripping at the back of our house. I went to investigate, only to find a man peeing on our garden gnome. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 943
You deserved it 1 495

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He must have been peeing for a long time lol

Something tells me either the dude was about to piss all over himself, or he was drunk/high, or both. Either way, interesting situation. FYL OP.


Something tells me either the dude was about to piss all over himself, or he was drunk/high, or both. Either way, interesting situation. FYL OP.

The man must've been on drugs, drunk, etc. FYL for having to see that and FthatgnomesL for having a man piss on it. :P

I imagine him waving and saying "howdy neighbor!"

Better than a leak from somewhere I suppose

He must have been peeing for a long time lol

That was just the Travelocity Gnome showing you how bad your vacation could be by booking through one of those other travel sites!

What the hell happened to the "you deserved it" button? What's this "Phew, glad it wasn't me" crap?

I have a question FML, what button would I push if I thought this person deserved it? Bring back the "You deserved it" button on every FML!!!


TWayne95 13

I heard piss is the only way to keep a garden gnome from coming to life and gathering all of his buddies to go on a murderous rampage. Shoulda have thanked him and gave him a beer