The truth will out

By Anonymous - 10/06/2021 02:01

Today, after lying to my kid so she doesn’t learn how little her dad cares about her, my current husband, who didn’t know I was doing this, told her everything, such as how the last two times her dad flaked on picking her up was because he was in Vegas gambling, or in jail for hiring hookers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 911
You deserved it 546

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One way or another the child was going to find out that her biological father is a jerk. In that sense, husband ultimately did you both a favor. I am opposed to actively running down one parent by another to the children. But I am equally opposed to covering up and lying to the children about deadbeats. Just the truth…


One way or another the child was going to find out that her biological father is a jerk. In that sense, husband ultimately did you both a favor. I am opposed to actively running down one parent by another to the children. But I am equally opposed to covering up and lying to the children about deadbeats. Just the truth…

Sounds good, doesn't work. She'll tell he's a deadbeat and the kid thinks she's badmouthing him. I agree that the husband (a neutral party) did them a favour.

What’s funny here is that usually the kids are like “yeah mom Ik he’s a deadbeat,”.

ojoRojo 27

How old is your daughter? At some point, she needed to hear the truth anyway. If she’s older, like a teenager, then she deserves to know who her father really is. It hurts, but now she can heal and move on.

She deserves to know it period. Ik this Bc my mom lied about pulling the plug on my dad. They loved each other truly but he had terminal cancer and the bill was super high already. So he told her to do it. She never told that story though and said he died from the cancer itself. My little brother was 8 when dad died and 10 when he found out. It messed him up Bc mom lied and he tried to kill himself.

these other responders are idiots. it wasn't your husband's place to tell her without talking to you first. I'm sure you didn't make him out to be an angel and it's your job as a mother to shield and protect her until you feel she is emotionally ready to find out.

Jon Tessler 14

never lie to your kid or anyone else. the truth will always come out

Lying to your kid is never okay. I’m an autism worker. I work with children. Lies screw them up.

when you lie about something so emotional meaningful to your kids, you really should have everybody on board who know the secret.. your boyfriend is not the dad and it isn't okay that he's trying to server the bond between them. kids believe what adult tell them.