Viking issues

By Anonymous - 15/09/2022 09:00

Today, after I spent 3 months growing my beard and hair so I could go for the Viking look, my mom told me I look almost eerily identical to the registered sex offender who lives 2 streets away. Out come the clippers, I’m going full bald. Three months wasted FML
I agree, your life sucks 957
You deserved it 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Being clean-shaven, you'll be a much more successful pedophile. That'll teach the registered sex offender a lesson he won't soon forget!

Buzz cuts are nice and manly, at least? And they're a lot less fuss than the Viking look--if you go hiking at all, I can personally vouch for a buzz cut involving a hell of a lot less getting caught on various thorny bushes...


Being clean-shaven, you'll be a much more successful pedophile. That'll teach the registered sex offender a lesson he won't soon forget!

what a dramatic response and so much value on her opinion yikes! good luck going bald 🤣

Buzz cuts are nice and manly, at least? And they're a lot less fuss than the Viking look--if you go hiking at all, I can personally vouch for a buzz cut involving a hell of a lot less getting caught on various thorny bushes...