By hail science! - 10/08/2019 16:00

Today, I got into a heated argument with my mom. Apparently, my seeking medicinal treatments for my cancer is blasphemous. According to her, I should just pray my cancer away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 578
You deserved it 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're a minor reach out to either police or CPS and make sure to mention the exacts of the case, because many states have laws against relying on "faith healers" and prayer alone when dealing with deadly conditions like yours. It also sounds like your mom needs serious mental help because "praying away cancer" is a delusion. If you're an adult however, get the treatment you need and be ready for fallout with the crazy.

Smithworthy 20

**** that, treat yourself. I hope it works out for you


Reading that gave me cancer! Take care of yourself OP

Smithworthy 20

**** that, treat yourself. I hope it works out for you

ViviMage 39

I had thyroid cancer at age 22. They beat the ever loving tar out of me to kill the cancer. But it's been 16 years cancer free. If she bars you from getting treatments, I would consider opening a case for child abuse against her. Call the police if you have to.

Congrats on kicking cancers ass! Keep fighting!

If you're a minor reach out to either police or CPS and make sure to mention the exacts of the case, because many states have laws against relying on "faith healers" and prayer alone when dealing with deadly conditions like yours. It also sounds like your mom needs serious mental help because "praying away cancer" is a delusion. If you're an adult however, get the treatment you need and be ready for fallout with the crazy.

Wadlaen 23

Some of us believers actually think of the medical treatments available for things like this as Gods blessings to us, and therefore it's Gods will that we use them...

Unfortunately, too many other believers believe in praying away cancer, gay, and bullets; and in flying airliners into buildings. At least you'te one of the sensible ones.

Lauren Horstman 3

Tell her to read Sirach 38:1-15. All about the advocacy for the use of doctors. First verse is: “Give doctors the honor they deserve, for the Lord gave them their work to do.“

Major_Haywire 7

Unfortunately there’s no treatment for your mum’s cancer, religion

booknerd42 0

Wow. As a childhood cancer survivor, I would be dead if my mother thought that way. Please treat your cancer, no matter what she says. I know what you're going through, and I wish you all the best. Godspeed, OP.

Nhayaa 21

Is that the next step for parents against vaccination? 😡 You have no time nor energy to loose in this kind of discussions. Tell her to leave you alone, get your treatment and keep fighting! Wish you the best OP!

I’m sorry that you have to deal with that sort of stupidity instead of getting the support you are going to need. Hopefully other people in your life don’t share her views and will be there for you. Keep up the fight.