Mega creep

By Anonymous - 30/12/2019 18:00

Today, I met a new guy at work who wouldn't stop hitting on me. We ended up on a six-hour shift together watching a pool, so we were wearing nothing but bathing suits when he began grabbing me inappropriately. When I confided in my female coworker about it, she told me that he was her husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 175
You deserved it 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

actually it'd be an FML for her cuz she's married to a douchebag

She needs to get a divorce and you need to file a report with HR. If he’s doing that with you then he’s probably done it with other female employees.


I’m pretty sure I’ve read this before. FML, get your shit together

She needs to get a divorce and you need to file a report with HR. If he’s doing that with you then he’s probably done it with other female employees.

actually it'd be an FML for her cuz she's married to a douchebag

I would recommend HR / supervisor first, wife second. If it doesn't get addressed you can get a nice payday out of it.

laydehxzee 4

Well tell her to throw the whole husband away

Fml for both you and the wife. Touching you presumingly without consent and her husband being a prick. Go to HR and tell her to get a divorce