By Miroslav208 - 20/10/2011 14:32 - United States

Today, I had to explain to my boyfriend why it would be highly offensive and inappropriate for him to go as Caylee Anthony for Halloween. I think he's still planning on doing it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 123
You deserved it 4 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

every1luvsboners 11

Michael Jackson was 50 when he died, not a toddler. You're a complete idiot for even trying to justify something so stupid. Shutyourmouthdipshitidiotfuckingcunt.

sorry, not everyone knows what you do. Get off your high horse and tell him who she is.


bballsoccerrocks 7

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You idiots who don't know who that is: it's called Google. And while you're at it, look up Casey Anthony too.

sorry, not everyone knows what you do. Get off your high horse and tell him who she is.

16, ever heard the phrase "google it"? At any rate:she is a little girl who was "allegedly" murdered by her mom(Casey Anthony) who covered up the fact she was missing, she was found not guilty by a group of retards this summer.

Come on #1, I live in a different continent and I know who she was...

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You just bought a bran new meaning to the phrase EPIC FAIL!

caylee Anthony is the baby of Casey Anthony

I'm pretty sure se mean Casey* instead of Caylee

mishkaroni 15

I don't think so...dressing up as Casey wouldn't be highly offensive and inappropriate since people dress up as murdereds all the time. Whereas dressing up as Caylee, like OP stated, would be considered so, since she was a victim and child.

Encourage him to do it. Let's all see a Darwin Award in the making...

"Come on #1, I live in a different continent and I know who she was..." Come on #29, I live in a different continent and the only missing American girl I know is Maddie McCann. And yes, we could always have googled it, but aren't we all terrible lazy bastards?

#83 As #97 said the girl you mentioned was British. Laziness is not an excuse, if you have time to ask a question here, then you have the 2 minutes it takes to google it. It's not that ******* hard, is it?

DinosaursAreCool_fml 8

#39, **** you. Were those children murdered by their own mothers? I think not! Are you one of the idiots that said Casey was "not guilty"

Skaterdude243 4

Lol i would go as casy

You'd probably get your ass kicked if you looked anything like her...

Exactly! I marked this one YDI, because really, everyone deserves to be with someone with a vibrant sense of humor. The OP is very lucky, even if she doesn't realize it yet.

You know what's funnier than infanticide? Everything.

You should go as a couple casey and caylee

jellitonoctopus 19

You can celebrate Halloween with your friends &let him embarrass himself with his.

melikeyturtles 3

Read other comments before you ask questions.

Llamassss 21

She was comment number 8, 1-7 do not say who Caylee is. On another note, I literally live 10 minutes away from where they lived.

blacknail3dfr3ak 3

It's a free country.. He can do what he whats

Yeah but it's called having morals. He should grow up and respect the deceased.

melikeyturtles 3

Especially a deceased infant. Any douchebag that shows up to a Halloween party with tape across their mouth deserves to get their a$$ kicked. That's really pushing the limit too far.

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Casey was the mother. OP's boyfriend wants to dress up as Casey's daughter, Caylee.

every1luvsboners 11

No, the FML says Caylee as in Casey Anthonys deceased toddler daughter. LuRn 2 reed, dUFus!