Thank you for your service

By Anonymous - 07/10/2009 18:23 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of three years broke up with me because I'm in the military and I'm gone too much. The reason I enlisted in the first place is because we agreed that the money and benefits I would earn would help us be able to start a family in the future. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 929
You deserved it 3 966

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well....think of it this way--more money and more benefits for you!


FYL. Sad thing is, she probably cheated on you when you were gone. She wouldn't contradict herself like that out of nowhere. It's good that you're rid of her.

Maybe the OP is actually a total dick. Maybe they had a bad relationship anyway. I hate it when people assume that just because a dude's in the military any girl who would leave him is a "dumb bitch"

I actually have to agree with you on this one. I'm an Army wife and Yes, there are many cases where women cheat on their loving S/O while he is gone serving in the military for absolutely no other reason than them being a ****. BUT I've seen just as many cases where the guys treats their girls like absolute SHIT, sometimes even their wives. They sign up for military service and then when deployed start whining about it, pitying themselves and taking it out on their women. I've seen plenty of cases where the guy blew all his money in Iraq to make himself feel better about his horrible situation and his wife at home barely had enough to pay the bills, they had 2 kids as well. So it's really not always the woman. In many cases it's the man driving her away with emotionally abusive behavior. Or some men just think that as soon as they've left the country one e-mail every two weeks is enough and phonecalls are not necessary... >.> So yea...sometimes the men are not all that innocent when being left.

As an army wife, I can say that it's not a role that just anyone can take on. If she can't cut it as a girlfriend, then you need to realize that she did you a favor. Keep your head up!

kiit_fml 0

Money is good, but not ever seeing your boyfriend, not so good. Not everyone can handle it, and life goes on. She's not a bitch for this, and there is no reason to suspect she's cheating. This happens a LOT in this kind of situation, and most people are incapable of seeing things from the girl's point of view. You chose to enlist knowing full well what the consequences might be.

Judgment99 0

You should have gotten a job. Military sucks.

you joined the military for that reason? id understand if you already had an interest in the military and did it for financial security, but it just sounds like you ****** yourself on this one. and now you can hook up with all the army ***** haha

FYL... but don't be bitter about making this decision. You did the right thing, and I can almost guarantee that "you're in the military and gone too much" was just a cover story for whatever was really bothering her. Maybe she was just immature and moved on emotionally in the time you were gone. Or maybe she's secretly a cheating *****. Either way, sounds like you're better off.

Apparently she couldn't handle it. You need someone stronger, someone who will live up to their words.

futuremedic 0

you deserve so much better! but you should never join the military for someone else, you have to do it for yourself. you'll find someone that really appreciates you for who you are.

skeleton_skinner 0