Thank you for your service

By Anonymous - 07/10/2009 18:23 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of three years broke up with me because I'm in the military and I'm gone too much. The reason I enlisted in the first place is because we agreed that the money and benefits I would earn would help us be able to start a family in the future. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 929
You deserved it 3 966

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well....think of it this way--more money and more benefits for you!


It's better she leaves you now, rather than after you're married with a family. Thank you for serving, it takes a lot to do what you do.

so some other girl will reap the benefits. good riddance imo.

Hermyoni 0

I know it sucks but really it's better you found out she couldn't handle it now while she was still a girlfriend rather then a wife. It takes a strong woman to be a military spouse or girlfriend. Obviously this wasn't something she could handle. Don't worry keep your head up you will find someone who can and you'll forget about your ex.

silly_silly 0

omg. dude you can do so much better. i totally promise. you two were young. you live a fast lifestyle. while she straddles some other dick, youll meet some other girl worth your time. i totally totally promise.

My boyfriend of three years is also in the military, and just broke up with me, because im too clingy when he's here.

Girls... They completely contradict themselves in the end. FYL

Sadly Our Military and law enforcement perssonell has an exremeley high rate of Suicide,Sui attempts, Divorce, isolation etc This is as common as water. Sad oh how very sad.

yourkiddingright_fml 0

It will hurt for a while but you will eventually realize you are better off without her. Better you find out now she has committment problems than after you are married with kids!

She's a bitch. You're better off without her.