The single life

By Anonymous - 14/09/2021 22:00 - United Arab Emirates - Dubai

Today, my girlfriend of over a year broke up with me while I'm deployed overseas. Her reason why is that she needs "to be alone to better herself." FML
I agree, your life sucks 983
You deserved it 96

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Translation: "I want to get plowed by someone local." Or, "I'm already getting plowed by someone local." I'm not sure of the verb tense.

At the least, she was giving you a version of the “It’s not you, it’s me.” She has her own reasons for the breakup, and this is her way of trying to make you feel like it’s not your fault. I’m sorry - It sucks to be broken up regardless of if you are there or on the opposite side of the globe. But thank you for your service.


Translation: "I want to get plowed by someone local." Or, "I'm already getting plowed by someone local." I'm not sure of the verb tense.

Uh, no. Translation: I want to be alone to better myself. Why does everyone assume that people ALWAYS mean something different than what they say?

Darrian 2

She was already "alone" while he was deployed, and there is a pretty high chance that she is ******* at least one of his friends while he's away. It would only be about the 80 billionth time a girl has done something like this to a guy in the military who was away. Maybe she's being genuine, but I sincerely doubt it.

At the least, she was giving you a version of the “It’s not you, it’s me.” She has her own reasons for the breakup, and this is her way of trying to make you feel like it’s not your fault. I’m sorry - It sucks to be broken up regardless of if you are there or on the opposite side of the globe. But thank you for your service.

phybreawptic 13

Jodie is already in the picture. Dubai is a fun place, go have a blast.