By lamelifeguard - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Morrison

Today, someone at my workplace yelled at me and filed a complaint for staring at them too often. I'm a lifeguard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 082
You deserved it 4 467

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They seem to have spent an ironically long time looking at you...

No miss I wasn't staring at your breasts, I was making sure you weren't drowning!


perdix 29

Scan, stupid, scan! You've got one of the rare jobs where you get paid to look at girls in skimpy bathing suits, and you almost lose by making the rookie mistake of obvious staring! Scan the scene a little to the left and a little to the right of your target. Don't get caught making the dead-eyes stare while drooling and massaging your crotch.

Wizardo 33

Some people just want to watch the world drown :/

rg350dx 29

Holy shit, idk if anyone has noticed this before but the work category icon looks exactly like slenderman.

The key to success here is to hide your erection. Trust me, I know.

and this gives you the right to stare?

TVKill3r 15

It's called being a lifeguard. You have to pay attention to what people are doing to make sure they aren't breaking any rules and aren't dying.

Uhh yeah he has to watch them. Guess he should let them drown if he turned his head.

There's still a difference between watching people to make sure they don't drown, and staring.

Being a former lifeguard, and having loved the job, you would be surprised how many people complain about that. "Stop staring at my children!" Well, they shouldn't have been trying to sneakily break the rules and backflip into the pool off the edge and crack their skull open! Yeah, it happened to me. Polarized sunglasses are awesome for that, by the way.

I know that feeling OP, except my job was bar tending at a strip club so I guess it's a little different. I don't blame you, girls in swimsuits are hot.

onorexveritas 23

either way, SOMEONE was looking too much

Wait until a parent yells at you for saving their drowning child. Um? What? Yep. It happens.