By Anonymous - 04/10/2011 21:08 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 28/11/2020 02:02
By Azure_Mist - 27/01/2011 22:53 - United States
By Oh hells no - 16/09/2013 07:26 - United States - Los Altos
By anonymous - 16/02/2015 12:57 - Australia - Rockdale
By Anonymous - 11/09/2009 06:35 - United States
By nightowl506 - 21/11/2011 07:22 - United States
Mixed signals
By marie - 28/08/2023 16:00
Good one
By Anonymous - 16/12/2012 00:06 - United Kingdom - London
By TLT - 16/11/2009 18:12 - United States
By lovelesslonely - 12/10/2010 17:48 - United States
Top comments
C'mon enonymous, correct it, I know you'll see it.
I'm probably one of the rare species of girls who would be happier with the plastic one. Gifts are nice, but not when they're planned. I'd much rather my boyfriend see something at random, think of me, and get it for me. That's much more thoughtful than the common bouquet of flowers and would go quite a longer way.
That sucks...But think of it this way, the plastic one won't die. :)
A metaphor for the relationship. Sounds like the boyfriend just found himself a foolproof excuse.
Hey, I was just trying to make the situation sound better than it is.
least you got a flower. it's the thought that counts :)
Or in this case, lack of thought.
@52 i agree. just because he doesnt get you flowers doesnt mean he does nothing. ydi for making a big deal out of something so trivial. the guy could get up early every morning and make you breakfast, drive you around, massage you after work, cook your meals, clean up after you, cheer you up when youre feeling down, but that ************ never bought you flowers...dump him.
It's the thought that counts. And the dirt and spiders it came with.
Hey its the thought that counts, picking up something plastic from the floor of a bar obviously made a connection in his mind with you
Your cousin should give your boyfriend some advice on how to be sweeter.
I think it's OP who should give her boyfriend some advice on how to be sweeter. I said to my boyfriend of three years that I would be happy if he once bought a flower for me. Today I got my third bouquet. MLIA.
So, i've been giving flowers to my girlfriend and you plus 8 people agree flower's dont equal love? have you people ever been in a loving relationship before? I guess not...
Do you honestly think flowers are the difference between a loving relationship and one that's not? Time to grow up a little. Flowers are a gesture and, like any gesture, it can be meaningful or empty. I had an ex who gave me flowers at least once a week; whenever he beat the shit out of me, flowers were his apology. Real loving, huh?
I use to get angry that I can count on a single hand the amount of times my husband has bought me flowers but then I remember the times he surprises me with my favorite candy bar after he pays for gas. Or randomly takes the kids in the morning so i can sleep in. Thoughtfulness means love, not necessarily flowers.
33, were they real flowers or plastic?
Agreed. The boyfriend I had that constantly gave me flowers was visiting his ex regularly and too chicken to just tell me. (You can be friends with an ex, just don't hide it or it seems like there's something to hide.) That was on top of other hidden things... Sometimes flowers and gestures are a distraction from what's really going on.
If you don't like it there are ~ 3.5 billion other males out there.
I don't know how people always forget that. If you're just going to bitch that your bf isn't 'romantic' enough or something, do yourselves a favour and break it off. You find some love zombie who delivers flowers like the morning post and he can find a low maintenance gf who's happy with plastic blooms from bars.

That sucks...But think of it this way, the plastic one won't die. :)
Flowers don't = love.