By lamelifeguard - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Morrison

Today, someone at my workplace yelled at me and filed a complaint for staring at them too often. I'm a lifeguard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 082
You deserved it 4 467

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They seem to have spent an ironically long time looking at you...

No miss I wasn't staring at your breasts, I was making sure you weren't drowning!


im assuming OP wasnt wearing any uniform of some sort. coz i'd also get freaked out if some stranger stared at me for years.

if you're a legit lifeguard then you're wearing a uniform

kyu_Q 19

And sometimes sitting in the high hair. Your bosses backed you up......right?

Obviously none of you guys are certified lifeguards, if you think that person(s) is a distressed swimmer you pay slightly more attention than regular.. lol

'none of you guys'? Most people here have commented FYL, not YDI....who are you talking to?

I hope the person who complained gets attacked by a jelly fish :)

rg350dx 29

Ma'am. I noticed your breasts were drowning from across the pool. Please remove your top so I can proceed with CPR and mouth to nipple

zombieslayer83 19

Careful, if her breast are too big, you might be the one drowning.

Get a pair of sunglasses, so they can't tell if you are staring at them.

Come to think of it.... Most lifeguards are required to wear shades for this reason... I didn't find it creepy, though, til just now

daydreamer244 13

There are too many stupid people on this earth..

"Watching as the frilly panties run." "Agualung" is now playing in my head. (: I'm curious if that person complaining was actually in water and if the OP was able to contain his erection? :P

Clearly OP wasn't told that a good lifeguard stares upwards so as not to unsettle anyone who might swim past their view, and only responds to direct calls of "someone's drowning!"

I hope your boss or supervisor isn't stupid enough to fire you for doing your job