
By Anonymous - 16/10/2019 16:00

Today, I tried to catch a spider in a glass. It was on the paper and I wanted it to fall into the glass, but I moved the paper the wrong way, screeched like a banshee and flung the glass at the floor. I was barefoot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 607
You deserved it 1 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You'll have to John McClane it until you can get to whatever you have that can burn your house down.

I'm afraid there's only one appropriate course of action, burn the house down. You also need to improve your spider catching technique for next time. Glass down first then slide paper underneath. Sorted.


You'll have to John McClane it until you can get to whatever you have that can burn your house down.

I'm afraid there's only one appropriate course of action, burn the house down. You also need to improve your spider catching technique for next time. Glass down first then slide paper underneath. Sorted.