
By kait - 29/11/2011 05:34 - United States

Today, at work, an overweight man riding an electric cart started peeing all around the store. I had to clean it up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 982
You deserved it 2 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's literally the funniest mental image ever! Cleanup in aisle 6! ...and 7....and 8....and 9....


Probably had a mental disorder, though it's not much of an excuse. If you have a disorder but you can take care of yourself, you're responsible for your actions. If you have a disorder but you need a caretaker, that caretaker is responsible for damage control. I might be a little bitter because I worked at a store that had its carpet permanently ruined by human urine. The guy who pissed all over it had a caretaker with him, who did the adult thing and... made a run for it and never looked back. An apology would have been nice, or offering to pay for the cost of getting the carpet cleaned, but nope.

He should of rode his cart all the way to the bathroom.

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

If he pissed that much, he probably lost some weight. Lol sorry op.

stupid fat people... he was probably too fat to use his legs. OP should've pushed him over

TheClumsiest 0

because everyone loves wiping up pee.

storm1217 5

Make him pay a fine for pissing all over the store, it doesn't matter if he's handy capped his fat ass needs to learn self controle.


Isn't it great to be human? If we actually allowed nature to take its course we would be a healthier stronger race!

You know...Trollin' in my electrical shoppin' cart. Come at me, bro.