Lockdown 4: Covid strikes back

By yuyu - 10/07/2021 08:01 - Japan

Today, here in Japan, it was announced that we are going into ANOTHER state of emergency, for the fourth time, meaning restaurants, movies, theaters, all will be closed. BUT they will still host the Olympics. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 128
You deserved it 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wadlaen 23

I just have to wish you the best of luck! And in a situation like this, all that is missing is that Godzilla should rise again... It seems like you're just full of bad luck.

I read somewhere that there will be no spectators allowed at the Olympics, so that will help reduce people being there. But yes, I see your point. Sucks that this is the fourth time you guys have had to do this. :(


mccuish 25

I hope this doesn’t ruin my chances of seeing the Jrock group Scandal live in November

Wadlaen 23

I just have to wish you the best of luck! And in a situation like this, all that is missing is that Godzilla should rise again... It seems like you're just full of bad luck.

Lord_Hades 14

At least your President isn’t Joe Biden!

What's that even have to do with it?

Erin Harned 9

I read somewhere that there will be no spectators allowed at the Olympics, so that will help reduce people being there. But yes, I see your point. Sucks that this is the fourth time you guys have had to do this. :(