An Expensive Snack

By Chihuahuanope - 08/02/2017 19:00 - United States - Lincoln

Today, my girlfriend's 2lb chihuahua ate 500 dollars worth of textbook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 894
You deserved it 772

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think I would rather have a rat for a pet than a chihuahua - It's the same same, just as ugly, and much quieter.

Rawrshi 25


Hybricide 8

Looks liken its time to sell the dog.

epicgamer 18

It's a chihuahua, what did you expect from the little ******.

I think I would rather have a rat for a pet than a chihuahua - It's the same same, just as ugly, and much quieter.

rats are actually great pets. they're very friendly, very clean, very affectionate.

I think rats are actually a lot less ugly than chihuahuas. They're quite cute until you see the tail.

Rawrshi 25

The money you get from selling the little hell beast will replace it.

Follow it around and catch its poop. You're probably not going to be able to sell it back when your done with it.

Iwannarock1 19

is it your small pencil, that makes you comment on every post Richard?

What seems to be your problem? If you don't like my comments, don't read them. If you have a reply, you can comment on the substance of my remarks. It doesn't matter whether I'm a 58-year-old retired Green Beret or a 13-year-old emo girl, your persistent personal attacks are cyberbullying and can get your ass banned from here.

species4872 19

Maybe it just liked the pictures.

Gensler 13

Well on the bright side at least when you say the dog ate your homework it might actually be true.