Smelly Finger Nights
By Anonymous - 06/10/2020 17:02 - United States - Carmichael

By Anonymous - 06/10/2020 17:02 - United States - Carmichael
By Infected - 20/02/2011 17:30 - United States
By Battlebarney - 22/09/2016 10:58 - United States - Washington
By Anonymous - 19/12/2009 11:53 - United States
By ohbutno - 08/02/2022 18:01
By Anonymous - 16/12/2011 14:25 - United States
By quiet_screaming_ - 01/07/2015 02:21 - Canada - Vancouver
By impure - 29/09/2014 16:48 - United States
By 3somer - 20/08/2017 04:29
By Anonymous - 20/06/2014 18:20 - United States - Fresno
By Duchess - 20/01/2017 12:00
There's quite a few online resources for how to care for your area down there as well as safe sex. Mild soaps at most and condoms are your friend. Getting tested between partners is also a good idea as you could be passing it along to others unknowingly as women generally go asymptomatic for STI's or have mild symptoms and so they go undiagnosed. Although the fml does not provide enough information to know if you were in fact responsible but If you're not responsible enough to have safe and responsible sex you should not be having sex.
Is the FML here that you have two diseases and only one symptom? Should I hope you get the symptoms you deserve?
bacterial vaginosis isnt sexually transmitted. So you probably had issues with your flora before the encounter. stds happen at least it's treatable. find a good gyno and good luck. ignore all the **** shaming by the way.
If I read the tea leaves correctly, today’s lesson is that it is possible to get or transmit a Sexually Transmitted Infection even with non-reproductive sexual contact - IE even if the penis and ****** do not meet you can still catch something. OP you need to see a doctor to help you deal with this. That’s the only one who can help you.
There's quite a few online resources for how to care for your area down there as well as safe sex. Mild soaps at most and condoms are your friend. Getting tested between partners is also a good idea as you could be passing it along to others unknowingly as women generally go asymptomatic for STI's or have mild symptoms and so they go undiagnosed. Although the fml does not provide enough information to know if you were in fact responsible but If you're not responsible enough to have safe and responsible sex you should not be having sex.
Is the FML here that you have two diseases and only one symptom? Should I hope you get the symptoms you deserve?