Persona non grata

By soupcrackers - 07/10/2020 04:57

Today, I spoke to Friend A and Friend B, with whom I'd had arguments with in the past. Those arguments caused me to leave a group chat. When I want to settle things with Friend B, they told me, "Don't come back to the group chat. It'll make everyone happier if you stay out." FML
I agree, your life sucks 883
You deserved it 459

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Friend A is definitely talking shit about you in the group chat. I'll bet Friend B is also talking shit about you but wants to keep you from walking into it. Don't want to sound like a bigot, but try to make friends with more letters in their name. Those one-letter people...

Marcella1016 31

I was going to suggest renaming herself to Friend C or something so maybe she would fit in better. Or even Friend A+ so they would really know who’s boss.


Friend A is definitely talking shit about you in the group chat. I'll bet Friend B is also talking shit about you but wants to keep you from walking into it. Don't want to sound like a bigot, but try to make friends with more letters in their name. Those one-letter people...

Marcella1016 31

I was going to suggest renaming herself to Friend C or something so maybe she would fit in better. Or even Friend A+ so they would really know who’s boss.

It sounds like she's living in a Dr. Seuss book. Little Cat A and Little Cat B, C, D, E ... Hey, we could make her story a mashup of Dr. Seuss and Scarface: "Say 'allo to my leetle fren' A!"

Allsmash123 10

YDI for not telling us why they don’t like you, so I have nothing that makes me believe you are innocent