Late results

By ohbutno - 08/02/2022 18:01

Today, I found out that not only did I get the best blowjob of my life on New Year's Eve, I also got gonorrhea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 941
You deserved it 544

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It seems that your date was sexually skilled but may have got that way while taking unnecessary chances with potential STD’s. Are you sure, though, that this was the person you caught it from?

Fortune favors the brave and no good dead goes unpunished. You get what you pay for, or you pay for what you get. js


It seems that your date was sexually skilled but may have got that way while taking unnecessary chances with potential STD’s. Are you sure, though, that this was the person you caught it from?

I don't think you got gonorrhea that way. Anything else happen that night?

Fortune favors the brave and no good dead goes unpunished. You get what you pay for, or you pay for what you get. js