By Infected - 20/02/2011 17:30 - United States

Today, I found out the girl I gave my virginity to gave me gonorrhea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 027
You deserved it 19 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It isn't the gift that keeps on giving, but you might want to give her a good call or two to all her other lovers.

Should have used a condom. Learn your lesson before you catch something that's not as easily cured.


Oww, poor you, but you must have used condom :(

Dude. Condoms prevent various ailments such as pregnancy, the clap, warts, the syph, crabs, weeping **** fever and what this chap's got.

Avenged7Gabe 0

hey fucktard condoms don't always work and you can still get STDs

the clap and gonorrhea are the same thing genius

It isn't the gift that keeps on giving, but you might want to give her a good call or two to all her other lovers.

wool lil wayne was right "I don't want ur gonerea (or however u spell it) nuggets no"

niggers*lol btw I don't use they word just part of the song

Skywalka911 0

Anyone else notice the username? "Infected". o.O

pinkballoon 0

u r aware that the OP can chose a name to be shown and normally it relates to the topic right?

nicole1784 0

Lennsik what realm do you play on in WoW?

Well she sounds nice. She knows her manners pretty well because when someone gives you something, it's only polite to give back!

thrAsHeRr9081 16

Eh. It happens. It's curable.

No , there isn't a cure . There IS , however , treatement to deal with it .

Horrible...HORRIBLE treatment at times.

thrAsHeRr9081 16

it's just a yeast infection. It's curable.

Sorry , got my facts wrong . it IS curable , with anitbiotics .

lemoncows 2

you aren't that good at correcting people...

I'm getting sick of people being younger than me everyone should have stopped reproducing after I was born

haha NO after ME! my sisters drive me insane. totally off topic I know

snowboarder1417 2

@34 Or right before you were born...

lilmisslovely13 15

What is gonnorhea? Idk how to spell it...

traze 7

I wonder why she let you lose it to her?

bigvic3767 1
bigvic3767 1

Should have used a condom. Learn your lesson before you catch something that's not as easily cured.

Avenged7Gabe 0

CONDOMS DON'T ALWAYS WORK! God I can't stress that enough


Taradactyl_2011 0

that would be your problem...

softball1432 0

uhhh heads up.. STDs travel through the holes in the condom..

DigitalFusion 4

uuh heads up... He's been lying to you.. condoms aren't supposed to have holes.

WallyB725 4

They do however have pores, which is what she was referring to...

jesse_mxlover 6

Latex doesn't have pores dip thong! That's why condoms are made out of it. If you don't know the facts don't comment!

perdix 29

Guys don't give their virginity away, they lose it like that annoying, clingy friend who humiliates you and screws up your game. I'll bet you were out fifty bucks as well.

I see you everywhere. you're the wise old man of fml comments

Guys don't give their virginity away, they lose it to that annoying, clingy friend who humiliates you and screws up your game.

HunterAlpha1 8

...who also gives them gonorrhea XD

lol perdix.. oh, and this is a perfect opportunity to humiliate her. thats what id do. :)

meowmeowwkitty 0

you'd be humiliating yourself in the process though? any type of STD just sounds gross. on anyones resume. my advice would def be to keep the whole gonarreah or however you spell it to yourself!!

Capt_Oblivious 10

She took something of yours and gave you something in return, isn't that how it works? Maybe next time you'll use some protection.