
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff

Today, I walked into my house with a couple of friends and I saw my girlfriend doing laundry. I jokingly asked her if she had time to do a load of mine as well. She scoffed and said, "Yeah babe, I'll gladly do your laundry… The same day you learn to wipe properly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 767
You deserved it 55 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well...learn to wipe and you will never have to do your laundry again


Merylwen 24

How do you get to misogyny just from him asking her if she can do his laundry? People can do their partner a favour without it being some sort of discrimination.

Grauncho 27

Uh, what? He asked her to do a last load of his laundry because she was already doing it. I don't see anywhere where he "expected" it because she's a woman. You're really reaching on this one.

Well, if he 'can't wipe himself' then I guess she must do 'everything' for him

I'd suggest leaving while you're just slightly behind. The way you're going, you're only making things worse and worse. Either admit to having jumped the gun a bit, or simply give this one up.

Grauncho 27

So, any guy who asks his girlfriend for any favors ever is a misogynist? That sounds like a totally healthy outlook on relationships. What makes you so certain he doesn't do anything for her ever? bad. I may have exaggerated a wee bit

frizz101 22

I'm sorry, but doing someone else's laundry is not misogynistic in any way. It's easy enough to separate and combine clothes if you separate by color.

I think she jumped to this conclusion because he was only saying so to impress his friends, and it backfired.

Ugh, that's nasty. You should take her advice.

Grauncho 27

I thought we lived in a civilized society. I bet you leave skid marks on the toilet seat too. Disgraceful.

OP, do you have digestive/intestinal problems and get diarrhea often? If so, I can kind of understand that happening. It's best to clean your underwear with soap and water in the sink the best you can so other people don't have to deal with that. Otherwise, you should learn to wipe properly.

I REALLY hope she was just saying that to one up you in front of your friends...if not, that's pretty gross.

buttcramp 21

damn OP, you really should have seen that comin'.

That's Nasty, anyways, just listen to her and you don't have to do your own laundry!