Run for the hills!

By kringr - 06/06/2011 00:52 - United States

Today, I went to my high school reunion. I was super excited to see what everyone had done in their lives. The nerdy guy I bullied is now a U.S. Marine and already has two deployments in Afghanistan under his belt. He looked at me in his dress blues and said, "I remember you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 249
You deserved it 135 158

Same thing different taste


reebokkid123 14

You know what they say "You read what you soe"

karma's a bitch!!! so far almost evry nerdy person bullied in school is very different or successful, but u deserve being beat up.

Getjynxd 2

If your more successful than him then nothing to trip about.

quit being a bitch... he was prally a fobit... and if u don't know what that means... go **** yourself

darkkai 0

nothing to worry about, he is just a marine. he probably spent the whole time on refrigerator watch.

848901 0

I like how you neglect to tell us what you've done w/ your life, lol

GuyWhoLikesBTR 0

haha the nerds always become successful!