Common enemy

By Hillary won 2016 - 28/05/2023 18:00

Today, my Trump-supporting father and DeSantis-supporting uncle got in a huge political argument. They eventually made up, and spent the evening mercilessly mocking their Bernie-loving relative, AKA me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 725
You deserved it 569

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How are there more YDIs unless you were getting in the middle of it?

Maybe people are more likely to feel hurt from experiencing constant ridicule from family members.


US politics is proof that human stupidity has no lower limit. Why do you even care what those morons say?

Maybe people are more likely to feel hurt from experiencing constant ridicule from family members.

How are there more YDIs unless you were getting in the middle of it?

Group A) Trump and DeSantis supporters + Group B) People who know to not engage with those who can't respect different opinions.

If your family allows political ideology to divide you and them, eventually cut them out your life. I believe in relationship being put above politics. Anyone that cannot follow that motto is lacking in maturity in that department.

Agreed. I've been on opposite sides of issues with both friends and family, we've never let it get in the way of our relationships though. We recognise we don't see eye-to-eye on certain things, talk a little about them and then go about our day. Sometime it gets heated, sure, but at the end of the day, no damage. Never understood how people can make their political stance such a large part of their identity that they ruin relationships. Then again, for me, living in a place with multiple political parties and the fact that my opinions aren't purely only "left" or "right" (I'm quite scattered) probably helps.

ODBeefalo 10

it is weird how many people make political and religious views their personality. I know and work with a number of people who's entire being is their faith or political standing. TBC I'm not talking "also a christian" I mean every waking minute is about how Christian they are and their work is done in the lords name or every discussion with the political side will be about how much they hate/love their party leader and happenings related to it. feels like people without a personality make argument material their personality (and rarely learn more than enough to argue over it)

Use their politics to get them back to their argument. With luck, it will come to blows and they'll beat some sense into each other.