Plumbing issues

By Anonymous - 25/01/2010 15:27 - United States

Today, the toilet at my apartment still hasn't been fixed. I have to straddle the bathtub for number 1's and go to Walmart for 2's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 323
You deserved it 3 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

All you fucktards getting on her for peeing in the bathtub need to hop off. Your piss is sterile, so she's not wallowing in her own filth. All you judgemental assholes know that you pee in the tub too so back off. What if she can't use the neighbor's bathroom? Did you idiots ever consider that notion? No? Then get some common sense. Gosh, you dicks act like she can't clean the tub when she's done.


All you fucktards getting on her for peeing in the bathtub need to hop off. Your piss is sterile, so she's not wallowing in her own filth. All you judgemental assholes know that you pee in the tub too so back off. What if she can't use the neighbor's bathroom? Did you idiots ever consider that notion? No? Then get some common sense. Gosh, you dicks act like she can't clean the tub when she's done.

im on your side Lioness but it isn't "common" enough to be called common sence anymore.

And it saves water, granted she aims for the plug hole and therefore doesn't need as much water to clean it up

Pee would go down the hole so comment invalid

sxuxex 0

Hire a plumber and take it out of next months rent. You have rights.

TheDaveCA 1

The laws in this area vary significantly, but where I live you must get the landlord or the court to agree before you can deduct anything from rent, ever. While the tenant can attempt to complete repairs if they so desire, the landlord isn't automatically under any obligation to reimburse the tenant for repairs (but the landlord is required to get repairs done and the courts will assist when needed)

Little plastic grocery bags stretched out over a 5 gallon bucket make a serviceable porta-pottie and then you can burn the bags on your landlords stoop. That will at least keep you out of Walmart.

next she has to do a number two she can pick up some of those bags.

YDI for no having any friends who's bathrooms you could use.

how do you know that walmart isn't right across the street and her friends is like 30 minutes away. it's not like she's gonna get in her car, drive to her friends house, take a shit and come back

"Hey Jesse I was wondering if I could come over for a minute, I need to pee. I'll leave right afterwards" Because that sounds totally right to say.

"Hey, my toilet isn't working, and my landlord won't fix it, so do you think I could just come over to your house and use yours any time I need to go?" If you would say yes to that you're retarded.

boatkicker 4

There are PLENTY of apartments with less than that. You probably don't notice them because they aren't that huge, but I'm sure you've seen them somewhere. Often, they look like oversize, rather plain looking, houses. Top one is a 3 family, bottom is a 6.

boatkicker 4

Hmm.... wont let me edit the above comment, so.... I don't know HOW i ended up responding to this comment. It was supposed to go to fudrick, but on their comment about never having seen apartments that size. It seems however, that the comment I was replying to was deleted, or got glitchy and disappeared.

iamgoofymovie 0

#17...u need to calm ur ass down mister

Soon, we'll all be going #2 at WalMart. With that floating happy face watching.

FYL and YDI. I'm sorry your landlord sucks but seriously, call a plumber and make your landlord reimburse you. If he/she won't, take him/her to small claims court.

Or, just report your landlord as a slumlord and get the heck out of that lease!

Walmart is a shithole? Color me surprised.

camsham86 0

It's called the Landlord-Tenant law. Look it up for your state and file the necessary actions. It's not that complicated.