Plumbing issues

By Anonymous - 25/01/2010 15:27 - United States

Today, the toilet at my apartment still hasn't been fixed. I have to straddle the bathtub for number 1's and go to Walmart for 2's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 323
You deserved it 3 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

All you fucktards getting on her for peeing in the bathtub need to hop off. Your piss is sterile, so she's not wallowing in her own filth. All you judgemental assholes know that you pee in the tub too so back off. What if she can't use the neighbor's bathroom? Did you idiots ever consider that notion? No? Then get some common sense. Gosh, you dicks act like she can't clean the tub when she's done.


That sucks going to WalMart for #2s... If you have a landlord, you should go to his/her house to use the toilet, maybe that will inspire them to fix it for you!

thewoozy1 0

going twosies in Target>>>>>>>going twosies in Walmart

thats sick who in the world pees in bathtub

Go to the magistrate and arrange to hold your rent in escrow until its fixed. They can't not fix your toilet! That's gross! FYL indeed. Then instead of doing #2 in Wal-Mart, do it in your landlord's yard.

YDI for not knowing your rights. This situation is highly illegal.

Yulia_fml 0

This is what happens when you're a push-over and don't know how to get your way. Learn to stand up for yourself, or you'll be peeing in the bathtub the rest of your life.

Lee002 8

why haven't u fixed ur own toilet OP?