Plumbing issues

By Anonymous - 25/01/2010 15:27 - United States

Today, the toilet at my apartment still hasn't been fixed. I have to straddle the bathtub for number 1's and go to Walmart for 2's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 323
You deserved it 3 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

All you fucktards getting on her for peeing in the bathtub need to hop off. Your piss is sterile, so she's not wallowing in her own filth. All you judgemental assholes know that you pee in the tub too so back off. What if she can't use the neighbor's bathroom? Did you idiots ever consider that notion? No? Then get some common sense. Gosh, you dicks act like she can't clean the tub when she's done.


A toilet is actually something they have to fix on an emergency basis. I would let them know that if they don't get someone there ASAP, you're calling a plumber and they have to pay for it. Whether thats through reimbursing you or you taking it off of next month's rent, they have to. I'm pretty sure those are unbearable living conditions in the eyes of the courts.

Everyone, hey, I've got something to say And it touches each one of us every day It's hard to admit it's a little risqué But I think that it's time that we all threw our shame away Everyone pees in the shower Don't try and tell me you don't Oh everyone pees in the shower If you think that I'll judge you I won't If you're laughing right now, Then you don't care who knows That you pee in the shower And that's for sure But if you're not laughing Then you just don't want people to know That you pee in the shower I know that you pee in the shower Sometimes it's cold And you don't even know When you get in the shower That you gotta go When the warm water flows On your finger and toes And you stop! And say, "Ahhh, screw it." And you just let it go

I wait untill I'm in the shower to pee. Then I let it flow like a river.

Lee002 8
kelleyb323 0

agreed. my apartment has a Rec room.. and definitely way more than 12 apartments.. and I live in bumfuck Oklahoma!

I'm sure your apartment has some kind of a clubhouse/rec room/office with a bathroom. Ask your landlord for a key to it since it's his/her fault you don't have a functional one right now. That's what my apartment manager did when the septic tanks were being fixed in my building.

Man, what kind of nice apartments are you living in? Most of the apartments I've lived in don't even have utility rooms. They're like duplexes or townhomes in larger clusters. The one building I lived in that didn't fit that formula had a basement laundry room. It had six washers, six dryers, an industrial hot water heater, and the access for all the utilities. But no bathroom.

ahaha u must have really strong pee cuz how could u ever smell that after it goes down the drain??? doesnt make sense to me

This is an FML because you have to do this #2 business (whatever that is) at Wal-Mart. Be a real woman and take a dump on your neighbor's welcome mat and blame the landlord's dog.

doink 0

This reminds me of the time I had to piss really badly but the bathroom was occupied. I peed in the catbox. F my cat's life.

@35 actually that's grammatically correct. you're supposed to use apostrophes to pluralize after stuff like symbols and numbers

xlostwithoutu 0

Oh my God. 35 I see you everywhere, you should be crowned "Most Annoying

I fail to see how my comments are more annoying than your repeating the same letter in a word an obnoxiously unnecessary amount of times. ex: tayyylorrr, heaarrt, Jacksonn, and Bestiees Shut up. And no, apostrophes are not used to pluralize a number. ex: wrong - 1990's; correct - 1990s

xlostwithoutu 0

I doonntt caarree whaaatt youuu thiinkkl offff myy fannntassticcc tyyyppinng. Doessss iitt reeaaally look itt loookk likke ii caree? Nahh. Uu wenttt too myy profilee I seeee?? Someeboddyy needsss aaa liiffee stayyy offaa mutt proffillee youuu pedoophileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

I totally love you for that. Don't you just hate the incorrect use of apostrophes???

ctgirl12345 0

ummmm you need to get a something for that. that's nasty

Report the landlord for not fixing stuff in a reasonable time frame.