Overly attached girlfriend flashback

By girlonthe19thfloor - 03/09/2022 23:30

Today, my boyfriend got hired as a customer service agent at an airline. I'm full of anxiety ever since, because he has a cheating past. I then find out he has to fly out to Texas for two weeks training, and to top it off its all girls in his team. I don't want him to wanna go join them for city exploring, or food and drinks. He’s mad at me for it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 541
You deserved it 2 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you don't trust him, then don't be with him. It's not worth the anxiety.

Might as well break up now, this will not be the only excursion. Trust him wholly or leave him.


If you don't trust him, then don't be with him. It's not worth the anxiety.

Might as well break up now, this will not be the only excursion. Trust him wholly or leave him.

It's not the "city exploring" you should be worried about. Also, you should be worried they're going to Texas. It's a wild place!

if he's gonna cheat he'll do it at home as well. nothing you can do about it. if you get that much anxiety then you need to break up.

Need to control your partner's choices and behaviour is a bad trait. If he did that to you, would you be happy? - I recommend breaking up now rather than dragging him into your mindset and making yourself anxious, depressed and god forbid you'll be jumping at him every time he is without you. Learn healthy boundaries and maybe work on yourself so you can deal with these thoughts. No point of keeping relationship going if you have zero trust.

If he has a history of cheating, and there are clearly still some lingering concerns centered around trust, just break up with him. It’ll be better for the both of you. If he wants to cheat again, he’ll do it regardless of where he is (home, traveling, work, etc). It is not worth the anxiety and constantly worrying. Plus, this is in-return making you exhibit toxic behaviors (ie, trying to control his actions), and that isn’t right either.

with the cheating history & you still concerned that there is a possibility of cheating, you shouldn’t be with him girl. :(

if you can't trust him then you shouldn't be with him. you don't deserve to go thru that mental torture