Off script

By Anonymous - 24/05/2011 05:19 - United States

Today, my best friend thought the best time to tell me she was sleeping with my boyfriend was while we were acting in a play. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 212
You deserved it 3 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you were playing a part where you both get into a fight, because then the audience won't know any difference when you rip her a new one.

DeadxManxWalking 27

is she your best friend now? & is he your boyfriend still?


juicedboi 7

Did you at least improvise your part and push her off stage?

ILoveTabz 0

damn! I hope you pushed that bitch off the stage and kicked her ass!

It's always the best friend with the OP's boy/girl friend. What's with that?

too many assholes out there !! that's y it takes a very long time to trust someone and even never give 100% trust cus you never know

SkyHiLyfe_808 0

I was wondering the same thing. Can a person's judgement of character be so poor as to make such awful people the closest ones to him/her? Certainly this isn't the first act of betrayal either, that's the sad part.

AlterrOnmi 0

act like you punched her in the face then..

That must have ruined the show:/ I hate it how I can be pissed at someone but on stage I have to act like they're my best friend.

PurpleRae420 0

That's not your best friend and I wouldve punched her so hard in the face she fell off the stage! Let that loser come pick her up off the floor!!!

Exactly... she knew you wouldn't break character during the play. so you wouldn't get mad...well at first anyway. Sucks for you though.

cimh 9

What a b*** and your - hopefully - EX-bf is a complete a**!

what an awful best friend!! that's terrible!

Ida let the whole audience know- what a bitch she is- and walked off stage! maybe her family was there!