By Anonymous - 06/11/2015 05:29 - United States - Madison

Today, after countless nights spent together and flirty texts, I decided ask my crush on a date while at a party. We went on a walk and held hands. Just as I asked him, he said no, let go of my hand and briskly walked away. He was my ride home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 907
You deserved it 1 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even if I were to reject someone, I'd have the decency to drive them home. You don't just let someone walk home alone. That's damn cold.

Clearly you could do much better, OP. I'm sorry that things didn't work out!


jade2258 13

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Clearly you could do much better, OP. I'm sorry that things didn't work out!

This is why i have trust issues. Sometimes we fall for people who turn out to be insensitive assholes who just use people. It happened to me once but i got over it, you'll find someone eventually OP

neuronerd 28

And that, my dears, is what we call a fuckboy. Sorry OP. Our generation sucks.

Sadly being rejected like that isn't really anything new or unique to our generation.

Soooo, our entire generation sucks based off this one particular douche?

neuronerd 28

I was assuming "countless nights spent together" means they were sexually involved. While "friends with benefits" have likely always existed, it seems particularly common in the millennial generation to have no problem sleeping with someone, but heaven forbid there be feelings, actual dating, or commitment. And before you say I'm just bitter, I'm in a relationship with a wonderful man (granted, he is generation x).

A07 48

Countless nights spent together doesn't necessarily mean having sex, not everyone in this generation is spoilt

who gets caught up with generational crap? there's just bad people. some old some young some inbetween

Why is your comment hidden? You are very right lol

Really generational stereotyping is the right thing to do here? Anybody else notice OP didn't give us an age for her or her crush? I mean the assumption being made here is completely ludicrous.

Statistically speaking the millennial generation is substantially LESS promiscuous than previous generations.

Even if I were to reject someone, I'd have the decency to drive them home. You don't just let someone walk home alone. That's damn cold.

Yeah, I hate it when people shirk their driving responsibilities.

amileah13 26

What a jerk. He could have at least driven you home before dissing you. I'm sorry op, it's obvious he wasn't a good guy for you.

A07 48

He should have atleast had the decency to drop you home

Don't let it bother you OP! Move on and live life to the fullest..

A07 48

By move on you mean walk back home?

At least now you know what type of person he is

whatarethisss 23

That's cold. He could've rejected politely or at least offered a ride home.

cadillacgal79 32

Speaking of cold, this FML is from Wisconsin. Winter is coming and OP has to walk home in the cold wind.

what a tool.... he totally misled you by his actions.

gobiteme2 34

Why is he a tool, OP was the one that had the crush sounds like she was the one that went over board on this. It was a dick move on his part to leave her though.

They went overboard by interpreting classic signs of interest (flirting, holding hands, time alone together, etc) as...signs of interest? How is asking someone on a date going overboard?