Off script

By Anonymous - 24/05/2011 05:19 - United States

Today, my best friend thought the best time to tell me she was sleeping with my boyfriend was while we were acting in a play. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 212
You deserved it 3 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you were playing a part where you both get into a fight, because then the audience won't know any difference when you rip her a new one.

DeadxManxWalking 27

is she your best friend now? & is he your boyfriend still?


abbyleighh143 0

Romeo,where out thou Romeo? having sex with me when your gone. whatta loser.

pinkspaceboundro has the cutest face EVER!!!

fijisoccer15 4

i just hope that at least u get to kill her in that play.


well yeah you couldn't get too mad at her then, or you'd look like a psycho. smart move.

shyguy84 3

Well, obviously she was hoping that you wouldn't... *puts on sunglasses* ...make a scene.

I thought that kind of stuff only happened in movies and tv shows!!

I thought that kind of stuff only happened in movies and tv shows!!