Off script

By Anonymous - 24/05/2011 05:19 - United States

Today, my best friend thought the best time to tell me she was sleeping with my boyfriend was while we were acting in a play. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 212
You deserved it 3 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you were playing a part where you both get into a fight, because then the audience won't know any difference when you rip her a new one.

DeadxManxWalking 27

is she your best friend now? & is he your boyfriend still?


to bitch slap or not to bitch slap. That is the question.

Love it! Is this a ***** I see before me?

Were you playing a part hating her character? That might've helped it!

Egnar 19

"Ex-best friend" right?. . ."Ex-best friend." Even if you could find it in your heart to forgive her people who do this kind of thing will do it routinely. Everything that has happened before will happen again, so to speak.

Egnar 19

The blame is on both of them - They both consented - Don't try to push this onto the guy. That's the problem us guys have these days. . .Anytime something bad happens all the blame goes on the guy, forgetting there are 2 parties involved.

Invierno 10

I agree with egnar. They're both to blame. That kind of betrayal from either of them is horrible, but from a best friend? That's just unforgivable. I'm guessing she had to have known her and confided in her for a long time to consider her as such.

Egnar 19

The 'girl' in most situations has no idea that they're being used for some kind of sexual/perverted affair - This is where it doesn't make sense to go after the "other person" - This situation the "other person" is her best-friend. She was aware of the boyfriends relationship and she betrayed her loyaly to her best-friend. . .The blame is 50/50.

Egnar 19

Regardless of what /you/ would do we're talking about where the blame goes. . .The blame is equal - They're both people that you trust, the best friend even moreso as in most cases you've known your friends much longer than your boyfriend/girlfriend. Regardless of what /you/ would take action with the blame is still equal - When you put more blame on the guy in this situation where both partners knowingly did it you're making guys in general look bad.

Egnar 19

I'm segwaying your comment into a generalization that gives guys a bad name - You're blaming the boyfriend for something that is equal parts the boyfriends fault and equal parts the best friends part. Now I understand you're saying that if the girlfriend had cheated it'd be more so her fault, I get that - I'm just saying that this poor reputation men have for cheating comes from a mentality like that where men are more likely to be found out and have all blame shoved on them. It's not 50/50 blame. . It's 100%/100% blame. . They both deserve 100% of the blame as in there is 200% blame involved.

some "best friend" you have there, and some "faithful" boyfriend. it's not just her fault, if he cared he wouldn't of slept with the "best" friend either.

"Where art thee?" "Why, ******* your boyfriend!"

so sleep with her and her boyfriend and let your boyfriend sleep with her boyfriend and everyones even lol jk

loquitaxD 1

slap that bitch. fight scene?

MrsBieber4Life 0

it was definitely very good moment to tell unless op gone on rage and beated everyone on the stage