Off script

By Anonymous - 24/05/2011 05:19 - United States

Today, my best friend thought the best time to tell me she was sleeping with my boyfriend was while we were acting in a play. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 212
You deserved it 3 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you were playing a part where you both get into a fight, because then the audience won't know any difference when you rip her a new one.

DeadxManxWalking 27

is she your best friend now? & is he your boyfriend still?


iwouldliketocomm 0

it is the best time... so you don't lash out :)

beat the shit out of her and pretend it was all part of the play! or dump him in front of everyone and tell her what a ***** she is. embarrass them both.

jennifer93 0

oh wow...hopefully it was a play where you could kill her off

it was the best time cuz on stage you can't overreact

That could be a problem. Solution? Offer him a *******. Then bite, but don't bite too hard, you don't want to do a Lorena Bobbit. Then bitch slap him!

Great solution, but what with the 'best friend'? It would be pretty weird if OP offered to eating her out.

for the "best friend" I suggest that she act like she had forgiven her then everytime the "best friend" go out with a boy or want to go out with some guy she would sleep with him or tell him what a ***** her "best friend" is basically ruining her life something even worst then sleeping with her "BF" who was a cheater anyways :D

damn, what a slutty ass friend you have.

Sorry. 20's best friend happens to be an ass. Don't fault her for not knowing any better.

Whenever someone uses 'ass' as an adjective like that I always mentally put a hyphen between it and the word immediately proceeding it.

dudeitsdanny 9

Proceeding? So you read "slutty ass-friend"... That's a whole new take on this FML..

Well, I have experienced nearly the same thing. Still managed to play in a second state.

she did it then because she knew you wouldn't make a scene during the play (no pun intended)

imacreeper 3

go Romeo and Juliet on her and give that hoe poison.