No refunds, no returns

By Gabi - 09/01/2010 18:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I spent about half an hour trying to decide whether to buy a top, because even though it was lovely, it was really expensive. Eventually, after deciding to buy it because I could always return it if I changed my mind, I got home and realised I'd left it on the bus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 281
You deserved it 32 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch. That sucks big time. This is one of the many reasons I hate shopping. When you do find something you like it is so expensive that it takes more time to commit to buying it than it took to find it in the first place.

nikerush2 0


Ouch. That sucks big time. This is one of the many reasons I hate shopping. When you do find something you like it is so expensive that it takes more time to commit to buying it than it took to find it in the first place.

If you think a shirt is too expensive and you ride the bus then get a better job. Seriously I want to know how much it was. I spend at a grand every month on clothes that's not expensive.

girlygirl666 0

... And she thinks Orlando is a state.

It's not expensive as in a Grand not being expensive. For those who might misread

Either you're a Troll or one of the very stupid 'high class' morons I hate with every inch of my being for wasting money like crazy on shit you don't need like a spoiled rotten child.

girlygirl666 0

Someone is not "high class" just because they have money to burn. Actually, bragging about how much money one has/spends shows a complete lack of class.

Why what's wrong with spending money or being high class? I spend I enjoy. What's wrong with being fashionable and happy?

People like you make me sick because you scoff at people who are obviously struggling to make a living in the real world where everything isn't handed to them on a platinum platter. You think it's easy getting a job and making money, where as you seem to have everything you want, any time you want, where was normal people have to save up between bills, grocery shopping, and other needs, just to pay for a relatively simple want. Judging by your behavior though, you wouldn't understand that.

newsgit 0

they didn't say anything about scoffing at the middle class. While the people who make YOU sick make ME sick, this person does not appear to be either of those.

She obviously has no money, people that talk like that are just trying to seem rich. I've seen her kind. people that really have money are educated and not stupid ****** (most of the time) and newsflash for her, $1000 a month isn't a lot of money.

bugmenotmofo 34

It's one thing to be fashionable and happy and its other to be lame and spend a grand on clothes every month. Unless you spend $500 on charity every month, I don't think I will ever have respect for you. I am fashionable and spend $250 MAX on clothes. I am fashionable and donate money or time to charity whenever I can and I am well dressed and happy and I still spend money on Polo tops or BCBG clothes or Siriano dresses, I just either rent them or buy them on ebay or use coupons to shop. Ugh. People like soulathyia disgust me.

What a strawman reason to hate me. I volunteer at the family center all the time and if u want to speak majoridly then I can play that game too. The average amount of people who claim to be poor and struggling have forced themselves into the situation. Usually they can't figure out how to roll a condom and have 10 kids or are just plain lazy.

So you're saying I forced myself into my own situation of unemployment? It's certainly not my fault I happened to graduate when the economy went to shit.

Really if you were fashionable Bug you'd know that a gucci wallet costs more then then the amount you pay for clothes. Lol you fail. Unless you're talking about that ghetto fake wallmart fashionabe that hicks think is vogue.

__no_one__ 0

... or the kind of fashionable that doesn't necessarily involve overpriced and overrated designer clothes. You don't have to wear Gucci to be stylish, you know. @OP: Call the bus company, it might be in their lost & found. I left clothes on a bus once, too, and they'd found it so I could get it the next day.

bugmenotmofo 34

I spend $250 on clothes MAX per month I said. I guess YOU FAIL to read the part where I said I just rent them or buy them on ebay. I usually rent dresses and buy Coach purses for my birthday or as a reward for myself for accomplishing something. I prefer Chanel over Gucci and yes I do have two Chanel bags. One was my mother's and means a lot to me, and the other my mother bought me for graduating college with honors (along with other things). YOU FAIL yet again to recognize that wearing a Gucci and Louboutin Shoes doesn't make you fashionable if you don't know how to wear them. And again, I guess you have poor reading skills because I mentioned that I do shop at stores such as BCBG (semi low cost and fashionable). Anyway, even if I did shop at Wal Mart, I am sure I could make it work for me. Its about how you wear the clothes and not about looking like a billboard. I have worked as an intern at a fashion magazine and we laugh when people talk about how they wear only "name brand" clothes and show up to the office looking a total mess.

Well then what was your position in te buisness you worked for? Cuz really if you look at it if you had made good enough grades and took lots of career opurtunities then you would have a job.

I'm an artist. In between big jobs as such, I need to find other ways to pay my bills, even if it means minimum wage jobs. The economy is so ****** up, I to jump through a bunch of flaming hoops just to be considered for a minimum wage job now. Not everyone trains themselves through their 12 years of education to get a cubicle job.

I love art but you should have known better! Haven't you heard of the Starving Artist. Try the site Deviant Art people get work on there all the time and it's a free site unless you want premium membership. :)

Deviantart is crawling with stupid ass art thieves who treat the place like their own personal photobucket. And the term 'starving artist' isn't to be taken literally. If every artist was starving (meaning they can't get work) then there would be no fashion for you to spend your monthly grand on.