No refunds, no returns

By Gabi - 09/01/2010 18:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I spent about half an hour trying to decide whether to buy a top, because even though it was lovely, it was really expensive. Eventually, after deciding to buy it because I could always return it if I changed my mind, I got home and realised I'd left it on the bus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 281
You deserved it 32 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch. That sucks big time. This is one of the many reasons I hate shopping. When you do find something you like it is so expensive that it takes more time to commit to buying it than it took to find it in the first place.

nikerush2 0


anxietybear 0
daman1 0

Easy fix, you a chick. Go topless, many men and some women would love that more than any top.

Same thing happened to me..i got my first camera, it was really expensive and I left it on the bus, but hey, that's life!

livi09 5

How expensive can it be if you are riding on public transportation???

If I were you I'd worry about getting a car before buying expensive clothes