Nice try, Janet

By Anonymous - 06/04/2014 19:37

Today, I witnessed my psycho neighbor put her cat in a cage, cross into my backyard, and set the cage down before returning to her house. She then called the cops and claimed I'd stolen her cat. The cops didn't believe my side of the story for a second. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 778
You deserved it 3 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you steal a cat and then just leave it in a cage in your garden?


gameover18 17

Cops can't dust for prints. Legal reasons. They know how but lawyers get all butthurt about it, so only CSI techs can dust for prints.

If you witnessed it, why didn't you go straight out to let the cat out? Or confront her in the act?

Or just return the cat. Do you just let people drop things off in your yard?

Hopefully the other neighbors know she's crazy so they can defend you

tayymeds 23

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So, you have a video camera specifically set up to record your crazy neighbor sneaking her cat into your yard?

OP said she watched her neighbor the whole time. She could have taken out a camera and started recording.

rocker_chick23 27

What if she doesn't have a camera? I don't and my cellphone doesn't have a camera.

Really? I thought cameras were standard these days. And by these days I mean the past five years. Both of my old flip phones have cameras, and I didn't see any without one when I last glanced at the options. Huh. Learn something everyday.

rocker_chick23 27

I have a $10 cellphone. The cheap ones don't come with camera's.

Regardless, OP never would've guessed police were going to be involved.

This is when you get motion activated hunter's cameras. Catch that lying b!tch red handed!

You should have said something as you watched her do get out of my yard!

Don't touch the cage, then her fingerprints are the only ones on it.

I swear, sexism is rampant with police calls.

Sexism? OP and the neighbor are both female...what sexism?

KiaKarma 11

You have cat to be kitten me right meow!