By catlady5569 - 27/08/2009 08:13 - United States

Today, my sister came over for a visit. I was going to surprise her with the news that I had spontaneously gotten a cat. The first thing she told me when she came in was that she ran over my neighbor's cat. None of my neighbors have cats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 149
You deserved it 4 378

Same thing different taste

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I agree with #1. But your sister is a bitch for not watching where she drives.

most ppl keep their NEW KITTENS inside, or at least not at the road.. It sucks, but some really bad decisions on your part :(


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superpanda24 0

Well it would've been worse if you got to know it.

My cat was outdoors when we got him, and he will literally go INSANE if we keep him inside. Some cats just belong outside more than inside. On a side note, my cat actually has learned to look both ways before crossing the street....who kjnows how, but it's pretty funny to watch. The cats that get run over....aren't the cats meant to be outdoor cats.

It is not good to let cats outside. Not only are there the obvious issues like being killed, stolen, or run away they breed an increase the population of feral cats. Which is over 70 million in the us. Plus it is estimated that cats kill over to 1.3 billion birds a year. Yes a lot of cats want to go outside but that doesn'tean you should let them.

I agree - don't let your cat roam outside, whether you've had it for a week or a year.

If a cat literally 'freaks out' when being inside instead of outside, then it's not really a domesticated cat and shouldn't be a pet. If you want to let your cats go outside, that's fine, it's your choice, but you better be prepared for the consequences.

What are you supposed to do with a cat then? carry it around in a purse, cats are supposed to be outside, your not paris hilton.

ElMundio87 0

a cat is not a nerd, they like to get out of the house and get laid

Agreed. In Germany shelters won't even let you adopt a cat if you're not going to let it outside. All cats you see around here always look before they cross the streets. The only animals you see run over on the street around here are hedgehogs, rats or squirrels. I don't understand why so many people think it's crazy to let a cat it's perfectly normal...but then again in our country it's also illegal to declaw a cat...and I think that's a good thing.

Maybe because it seems presumptuous to think that someone's cat should just be free to roam around other people's property. I don't allow my pets(dogs) to run around in my neighbor's yards, and I expect the same courtesy from them.

**** you #1 your just a low life idiot who has to **** his own mother just to find out what sex is like get a life

Try thinking of the consequences on the environment next time you consider letting your cat outside. If it goes insane, its obviously a feral cat to begin with, but that doesn't mean it's okay. They're domesticated and wreak complete havoc on local wildlife populations, especially birds. I hate idiots who let their cats outside... be a responsible pet owner, folks.

#41 that's a lie, about them not letting you adopt if you don't let them outside.

MiseryAlice 0

It's worse not to have an outdoor cat. How would you like to never be let out of your house?

Some cats don't like the outdoors. I used to let mine go outside every day but he didn't like it. ...although, he'll walk around outside if I put him on a harness and lead and walk with him. It depends entirely on the cat. My grandma's cat spends most of his time outdoors, but my aunt's cat is afraid of it. What's cruel is to make them do something they don't want to do.

americayay 0

I think that was a bit harsh number 1, but yes, the cat probably would've been safer inside if you don't live on a lot of land. However, I hugged my kitty when I read this because it was sad. By the way, OP, I had a housefire and every one of my pets died because they were inside where it was "safer". There are some things you just can't control.

That's stupid. My cat loves to be outside, and she's never gotten hurt or anything. We would let her outside all day and she knew when to come inside. But she can't go outside anymore because the neighborhood we live in now has dogs. :P Either way, nobody deserves this. (on a side note: YDI= 666 o__O) LOL

That's stupid. My cat loves to be outside, and she's never gotten hurt or anything. We would let her outside all day and she knew when to come inside. But she can't go outside anymore because the neighborhood we live in now has dogs. :P Either way, nobody deserves this. (on a side note: YDI= 666 o__O) LOL

It really depends on where you live. If you live out in the country or on a lot of your own land, it's okay to let your cats out as long as you bring them in at night so they don't fight with the wildlife. I work in cat rescue and since we're in the suburbs, we highly encourage all of our adopters to keep the cats inside because there's just too much danger out here.

oaklandfanatic 0

Most cats are outdoors all the time, and smart enough not to get in the way of something bigger than them.

letitbe56 0

Forcing your cat to be an indoor cat is actually pretty cruel. How would you like to be kept inside for the duration of your life? I can see why if you live in an urban or densely-populated suburban area, it might be dangerous for your cat to be an outdoor cat, but otherwise, letting your cat be an outdoor cat will actually help prevent health problems like obesity, and you'll just generally have a happier cat. It does NOT mean your cat is not domesticated if it doesn't like being cooped up. It's natural. Nevertheless, if the OP only recently acquired the cat, she shouldn't have been letting it out of the house without supervision. You have to spend time with your cat outside until it gets used to its surroundings.

It's not cruel. Actually if you adopt a cat from the HUMANE society they make you sign a waiver that the cat will be an indoor cat only.

doodlesmcnoodles 18

my cat is actually pretty happy. hell, we even have a cat that was feral who has finally after 14 years warmed up to us and she's doing great in the house. no problems at all. when she did get outside, she came right back home and is TERRIFIED of going outside again. none of my cats really have any interest in being outside. my cat does go out every now and again, but that's on a harness bc she doesn't like being carried without it. she gets scared and upset.

I think all of you need to realize that a cats brain is about as big as a bird scrotum, so that fact alone is enough to make their lives suck regardless if they go outside or not.

Bellziwellzi 0

shame man poor cat, i let ma cat outside all the time

In germany, the cat's got nothing to worry about thanks to deforestation! On the western side of the world, cats get killed regularly by coyotes and other such creatures that still exist here. It would be stupid to let any old cat stay outside and still expect it to live longer than a year.

Cinnabar 0

IMO, some cats do fine left outdoors, and some don't... but the problem is, you don't know which one your cat is until they turn up dead. It's better to keep your cat indoors, they're safer that way and if you're a good pet owner and keep their lives interesting, they'll never miss anything.

JustinKingr 0

#87 that isn't true my first cats are from their and they never made us... they live outside

I agree with 41!! de-clawing cats is like takeing ur nails off OUCH!!!!

Chocolate_Chunk 2

125, are you stupid? it's much worse. It's like cutting your fingers off. They have to remove the bone with the tissue that generates the stuff claws are made of too

Guys, if you think that cats are domesticated just because they go outside, it's sorta like saying all dogs that go outside should be considered wolves, and all humans that go outside are really just apes (I don't mean to offend anyone's religion, we're just biologically close to them so I picked them as the animal substitute). And besides, what's so feral about a cat that wants to do more than sleep and eat all day? Especially when their owners are at work or something. :/ and I understand with the human comparison, you might not feel it's the same, but then what about this one: A parent that lets their kid go outside :)

I agree with #1. But your sister is a bitch for not watching where she drives.

WTFpancakes 0

yeah what an idiot i would seriously pissed/sad at her

screwtaylor 0

Now there's one less pussy to clean after.

most ppl keep their NEW KITTENS inside, or at least not at the road.. It sucks, but some really bad decisions on your part :(

7, where in the FML does it say she got a kitten? It says a CAT.

Cats go where they like you can't force them to stay inside most of the time. This is not OP's fault.

dayrin7 4

awww , well instead of her getting surprised .. you did hahaha.! ^_^

it's not just that the cat could get hit... wandering cats piss/shit in other peoples' yards, kill local wildlife, breed like bunnies [if not spayed], and do a lot of other annoying shit that people who CHOOSE NOT TO OWN CATS shouldn't have to deal with just because you're too irresponsible to keep your cat inside. take it out on a leash if it wants to be outside so much.