Nice to know

By Gemma - 06/01/2012 23:16 - United Kingdom

Today, my mother thought it would be a good idea to tell me that I was conceived on an airplane toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 740
You deserved it 3 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does that make you a member of the mile high club?

omfg_creepers 8

There's not much room in those bathrooms even for one person. Are your parents contortionists?


haha, mile high club? and hey its actually not illegal to have sex in a airplane bathroom. Its not public indecency if they can't see you! My last flight attendant told me that. :)

When you're on 16 hour international flight, accompanied by your boyfriend, you start to look for things to do!

At least you weren't born in the toilet, because then If she accidentally flushed....... Yeah...

sofineedsaladder 10
Fancyy 0

In a toilet? Sounds like a shitty place to be conceived...

I always wondered how people managed to have sex in those tiny bathrooms

amreggie 0

Mile high club. SaWeeet!! Lol

Dont let any of your friends know, or you'll be made fun of alot

every1luvsboners 11

Nooooooooooo. Edit: never mind

If you just time traveled, which im assuming you did, you picked the wrong year buddy. The worlds gonna end in December

BeatifulPenguin 4

56- I hate to rain on your parade, burst your bubble, and/or slice your peach. But that's all freaking bull poop. It all started many years ago *harp noise* "Goo ga! End!! Calendar say world end in 2012!!" *unharp, I guess...* You see? An ancient calendar ended this December, it doesn't mean anything! I remember a few years ago when some guy said it was all over on like Saturday or Sunday or something at 6:00 exactly. I was still waiting for something at 6:01.

perdix 29

That's not such a bad place to be conceived. This would be a real FML if your mom had added, "Dad was trying to give me anal, butt he missed."

"Then he pushed you back up a bit, then I felt something kick, and thats when i remember it had been 9 months since you had been concieved! So after we figured that out, your father... And thats how you were born!"