Nearly there

By baby_trex_arms - 05/05/2015 15:13 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I had to play the hot and cold game with my boyfriend until he found my clitoris. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 444
You deserved it 5 713

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A07 48

Cut him some slack OP, atleast he's trying, most guys don't even bother according to this site.


Better than pin the tail on the donkey

I can't believe you're complaining about this. You're clearly high-maintenance.

Are you joking or...? I mean, it would've been way easier for her to just show him where it is but still, at least she found a way to turn it into a potentially sexy/fun game. (Sorry if your sarcasm went over my head).

Wanting to actually get enjoyment out of sex makes her high maintenance? Seriously?

Yikes. And here we find a man who has never given a woman an ******.

If it was a fun game for her, she shouldn't be posting it on FML. That shows that she didn't enjoy it. May not be high maintenance, but high strung? Yeah.

AkaPanda 12

Talk to him open and honestly about it if u can't do that then you are too young to be doing it at all.

That's not cool neither gives a warm feeling.. I suppose..

randomheartthrob 7

It's a start. Cut him some slack. Some dudes only care about themselves getting off

couldn't you have just pointed it out?

DenBriZel 31

why not just point it out to him?

Go ahead and vote me down but if I help a few people it's worth it. I think the hot and cold game was a good idea. Sex should be fun and exploratory. This or other games could be applied other ways and that's a great thing. There's nothing better than partners who each have a willingness to both learn and teach. This reply chain has kinda taken on the feel of CLIT NOMNOM but nobody has mentioned that it matters what you do if and when you get there. Or that there are other erogenous zones and they vary greatly from woman to woman. Good sex cannot happen without exploring and sharing, and good for you OP and partner for doing so. Keep it up and you'll be rewarded.

Exactly. It's different for all women. Some like their clit to be stimulated directly, for others that's too much. And every woman is shaped differently, vaginal area included. No wonder guys feel extremely pressured when it comes to this activity, judging from the expectations from many commenters.