By Anonymous - 27/09/2011 15:56 - United States

By Anonymous - 27/09/2011 15:56 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/07/2013 07:54 - United States - Riverside
By baby_trex_arms - 05/05/2015 15:13 - United States - San Francisco
By Oops - 26/09/2011 15:35 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 01/02/2022 20:01
By BustedEgo - 23/03/2014 05:31 - United States - Norway
By geewhy - 26/12/2012 21:20 - United States - South Park
By Anonymous - 20/10/2020 21:01 - Canada - Spruce Grove
By Anonymous - 28/02/2014 21:10 - Canada - Winnipeg
By Anonymous - 28/11/2009 05:25 - United States
By Hannah - 13/06/2013 16:19 - Australia - Caulfield North
Don't be hatin' OP. Who knows, you might give horrible blow jobs.
Ydi for pre-marital sex.
OP should color code her genitals and provide him with a key map. It never fails in shopping malls, so I'm sure its purpose would translate nicely.
Let him know it looks like a tiiiiiny ********, I'm sure he's worked plenty of those.
You forgot a sextant.
Hey I always need a map when there's a jungle..if you know what I'm saying
If you googled huge clit, don't google blue waffle.
250- I doubt it. The way the FML is worded makes it sound like they've done this a lot. (does anyone else find it a challenge to remember the number of the person you're replying to when using the app?)
I dont quite appreciate her attitude. "How dare you try to please me in this way, male companion! I give you a D- for effort! Mwahahahahahah!!!"
172- hahaha I was waiting for someone to say that!
252 (?) Yes, I do! It's annoying.
You wanna see scarred? Look up female body builders with safe search off :)
Your display pic kind of reminds me of this FML.
Circle circle dot dot you can't find my playful spot!
Seriously? XDDD
True. I think this is the dumbest FML I've read in a while. Oh no, your life sucks so much because your boyfriend can't find your ********. (sarcastic)
This FML is slightly funny but an awful one in general. It's worded all wrong. Im sorta surprised it made it through.
Yes, very Georgia O'Keeffe...
Or you can use the light from your iPod/phone and shine it on the parts of your body you want him to touch/kiss. (:
Well.... I thought people were suggesting cute fun ways to show where the OP's clit was to make things more playful. I guess this was not the case. Now do you understand? Or is it still too difficult for you?
Yeah, draw a little Pierre face on it. If nothing else you'll enjoy the thirty minutes of scrubbing in the shower to get it off afterwards.
I thought it was a cute idea, Enslaved. But no, it didn't really fit with these comments. They weren't being serious (I hope!)
Wow, you're a huge bitch.
It's a fairly obvious portion of the female genetalia... I can understand not finding the urethra but... The boyfriend has no excuses.
lol mine too!! it's annoying to have to show turnoff to me to have to teach but! if u like him just do it once and hopefully he'll figure it out...I mean...come on!
It's not that hard to understand their confusion, men don't have one and mostly they don't have to have special tricks to reach ******. Sad fact of life. If you aren't willing to have patience and teach, then learn to love to take care of it yourself.
so? I don't have a penis but I can use one :) people are together to enjoy one another...who wants to only ********** the rest their lives? lol
Did he say that?
199, penises are significantly easier than their female counter parts as far as stimulation goes.
277, it's not yet confirmed that every woman has a g-spot, I actually think studies have shown fewer women have a g-spot than not, but I can't remember.
Every woman has a G spot, don't blame woman for guys being bad at sex and unable to satisfy a woman.
Now you, your life sucks
so find a different boyfriend. problem solved.
X marks the spot.
She should do the same to his penis
Don't you mean G marks the spot?
I bet thirty three was all like "ya I'm so clever and original right now." and then she was like "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."
Wait does he have the map so he can find the compass and therefore know what room it's in?
Wow that's a really dumb reply 8
It'd work with any zelda game bar maybe 2
Yes, ocarina of time is the first and only Zelda game with a map and compass.
No it isn't. Link to the past and Link's awakening had them as well. They were for Gameboy and Super Nintendo.
Show him a diagram of the female genitalia
Afterwards have a review session followed up by a game of "i spy...".
Thank you.
The compliment is always nice. Get the broom out of your ass.
this is awkward...
That wasn't very nice, you sound like a bitch. Just calm your **** down please
Win win win.
Try circling it with a sharpie?
Hmmm. How old are you guys I feel like that might play a big part in this.