
By Death_Arc_Angel - 22/01/2021 09:09 - Trinidad and Tobago - Fyzabad

Today, we're in the middle of a contagious deadly pandemic, and despite not having physical/sexual contact with anyone in over a year, I managed to contract herpes. I don't even know how I got it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 350
You deserved it 167

Same thing different taste

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Most of the time, herpes is asymptomatic. You may have contracted it years ago, and only just had your first outbreak. Often, that coincides with times that your immune system is weakened, either by stress or by fighting off a cold or other disease.

peterblack67 9

It can be dormant in your system for years. I'm guessing the stress of the pandemic is why its happening now.


Most of the time, herpes is asymptomatic. You may have contracted it years ago, and only just had your first outbreak. Often, that coincides with times that your immune system is weakened, either by stress or by fighting off a cold or other disease.

peterblack67 9

It can be dormant in your system for years. I'm guessing the stress of the pandemic is why its happening now.

It must be this pesky glass of water at the office or your lip balm that your coworker borrowed. Or maybe it's this stupid pen you kissed because you were so happy to find one at school in time of need. Herpes does live a long time on surfaces.

Herpes isn't a big deal like 90% of the population has at least some form of it.