
By DeaazGurl - 22/01/2021 17:01

Today, the medicine I keep at my desk for headaches is now gone thanks to my coworker who took the last 6 Advil at once. Her reasoning? "You're thin, so you wouldn't need them anyway. I'm twice your size, so I needed twice the dose." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 013
You deserved it 91

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

When she eventually dies from liver failure, she may briefly in her last few moments of consciousness realize how wrong she was. But of course, she still won't admit it because she sounds like a major bitch, so good riddance.

flagbitch 8

I have a couple of majorly annoying coworkers who take what they want, just today one tried to take my heartburn relief pills. It's the type of shit that almost makes you reconsider if you should be working there. Then I realized that this is my job and I'm not going to let minor problems disrupt my income. I told her to stop taking my personal items. The issue was quickly resolved now that she knows I'm looking out for them.


Ambrily 27

You forgot the "." after the first 5.

tounces7 27

When she eventually dies from liver failure, she may briefly in her last few moments of consciousness realize how wrong she was. But of course, she still won't admit it because she sounds like a major bitch, so good riddance.

It shouldn’t be necessary, but don’t leave things out on the top of your desk that you don’t want your coworkers to steal. If they have been going though your desk drawers to steal your supplies, then that’s reason to go to HR or your boss with an accusation of theft.

coius 23

Yeah, then file theft charges with authorities. Seriously, even if it is at work, theft is theft. In this case, petty theft but still. If you bought the meds, and someone else takes them, in some states it’s illegal to take someone else’s medication. This applies to over the counter too. It’s not like she asked, or its your spouse/partner/child in which you keep some one hand for their occasional usage. This is just plain theft, and after you reported it, feel free to mention she overdosed and “may be depressed “ at minimum, a 48-hour hold may be declared, leaving you with two days of bliss without them.

flagbitch 8

I have a couple of majorly annoying coworkers who take what they want, just today one tried to take my heartburn relief pills. It's the type of shit that almost makes you reconsider if you should be working there. Then I realized that this is my job and I'm not going to let minor problems disrupt my income. I told her to stop taking my personal items. The issue was quickly resolved now that she knows I'm looking out for them.

Buy another bottle but swap it all out for laxatives and hide your real Advil elsewhere. Its risky taking pills from other people you know when you have their permission she should know better and be respectful

I hope you reported her to HR for theft.