Sharing is caring

By Cirese Summerrose - 21/09/2019 18:00

Today, I found out I have herpes. I'm 9 months pregnant and have only been with my husband. It just so happens that our roommate just got over herpes. I thought they were just spending time together, bonding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 287
You deserved it 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hawks87 3

Herpes can be transmitted via drinking glasses, plates, towels and other ways that dont need "Special contact". My aunt, a teacher, got it on her eyelids from rubbing them while correcting tests and homework sheets...


Hawks87 3

Once you have it you will always carry the virus but it will NOT always be active. Soo um... Yeah you can get over it but it is likley to come back.

it's still inside you, that's not getting over it that's living with it

bobsanction 18

Well they certainly were "bonding"

HokieJ 10

Herpes can be transmitted via drinking glasses, plates, towels and other ways that dont need "Special contact". My aunt, a teacher, got it on her eyelids from rubbing them while correcting tests and homework sheets...

This is however extremely unlikely, as in close to 0% in a healthy person. Much more likely for this to have happened because of cheating. Unfortunately the incidence of cheating increases when the partner is pregnant.

You let your husband have alone time with your female roommate? Hope your kid isn't genetically doomed to be stupid.

I'd place my bet on female. It's possible, but more unlikely that the husband is bisexual.

It’s not a case of intelligence. If you can’t trust your partner with your roommate, regardless of genders, you shouldn’t be with that person.

You can actually have herpes for years with no symptoms at all. That's why it's hard to trace where it came from. So it's possible that he may not have gotten it from your roommate.

you don't get over herpes. you have it forever. it can also be dormant for years and then pop up so don't assume your husband was cheating.

Lora Wood 11

Men are as faithful as their opportunities. I am so sorry you will be having a cesarean birth now.

If you have herpes doctors won’t risk letting you do a vaginal birth in case it affects wee babe

If you can’t afford to live without a roommate you can’t afford to have a child. No married couple should be living with roommates anyways

Sady_Ct 37

My husband and I have a roommate, not because WE can’t afford it, but because we are helping a friend who helped my husband when his ex wife booted him out of his house when he busted her in their bed cheating. People live together for many reasons, some cultural, some financial, and some to do with convenience, either way you have no right to judge a situation you don’t understand.

"Bonding", is that what they're calling it now?