
By mummer11 - 15/11/2013 17:49 - Ireland

Today, my mum staggered home, piss drunk. When I tried to walk her to her room, she shoved me away and cursed at me for being a "goody two-shoes". She then slurred, "I fucked your mum", and informed me that my mum is a skank. That's good to know, mum. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 021
You deserved it 3 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mom really has some issues with your mom, huh?

Mother: You're a goody two shoes! OP: Yes, mum. Mother: Your mum's a *****. OP: Right you are, mum.


handyone01 6

May be she's trying to tell you that you are adopted?

I'd suggest telling her to go F herself but she kind of pre-empted that..

Well then she must be *removes sunglasses* a ************. Yeaaaaaaaa

beaverteaser 16

would be a awesome argument between the two..

Sounds like it's from the exorcist all grown up

I can understand how that would be a rough situation, but it happened to you and not me so....bahahahhahahah