Mommy dearest

By Ohkourt - 20/04/2020 05:00

Today, I woke up only to find my half-naked drunk mother in my living room, talking in her sleep about how much she hates me. She still doesn't see what's wrong with this picture. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 656
You deserved it 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's a lot of missing info here. First of all, what half? Second, was she there uninvited? Third, what's wrong with hating kids? I can't stand them. Fourth, if she genuinely hates you, all you have to do is cut contact with her, or talk it out.


EmDizzle2007 28

this is the right question. but, if you asked this of half the things that get posted....

She should have been completely naked? Is that what's wrong?

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

you LIVE to make people cringe, dont you 🤣

Yes! I feel if these stories create disturbing imagery in my head, I need to share it with the world to lighten my burden. Thank you for helping me with that!😂

There's a lot of missing info here. First of all, what half? Second, was she there uninvited? Third, what's wrong with hating kids? I can't stand them. Fourth, if she genuinely hates you, all you have to do is cut contact with her, or talk it out.

power_in_the_now 19

Sounds look there is underlying issues— maybe it’s bothering her and she wants to speak about it but it’s only able to happen in her sleep at this point. Stop being so rude and mean— she was half naked bc she WAS SLEEPING! People sleep half naked all the time **yes I am a mother to three beautiful children but what I’m saying is that the main thing is most parents for whatever reasons are afraid to speak to there adult children about how they are feeling— adult children can be rude and so can some parents... it’s night time so what’s the issue being half naked? If everyone knows grandma is sleeping in the living room... wait til she is awake— and booze had to come from the home she is sleeping in (I less they are all part of AA programs of Absenting from drinking as a whole. There has to be more to this story bc I’m not buying it as is

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

WHAT A JOKE!!!!!! The woman was sleeping in the living room, half naked, drunk, and talking about hating her kids, and the kid is rude? are you the mom or just dumb

EmDizzle2007 28

*Your* living room? Change the locks.