Mood ruiner

By Sirah90 - 07/05/2013 07:29 - United States

Today, my nose started running while in bed with my boyfriend. I kept trying to wipe it off with my arm to avoid ruining the moment. My boyfriend then looks up at me in horror. Turns out it wasn't mucus; it was blood. And it was all over his neck, his shirt, and his silk sheets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 237
You deserved it 13 478

Same thing different taste


I nose this isn't common but its snot something to worry about just boogie over to the doctor for a check up he'll snort everything out

She could have used that tampon that rolled under the stall. They are great for stopping nosebleeds.

roflstomp716 19

this happened to my brother in the middle of the night... there was a trail of blood into the bathroom when I went to use it. I saw him covered in blood and it was all over the counter!! scared the shit out of me!!!!

It's a great test for your relationship. If he's mature he'll be able to move on from it and maybe you two will laugh about it someday.

how can a nosebleed be a test for a relationship? are there people who are unable to cope with the fact that their partner had or may have a nosebleed? is it considered gross or something? I don't understand.

I'm sure it could be a complete turn-off to some people, depending on how far into the relationship they are. If they haven't been dating for very long and this guy doesn't handle awkward/embarrassing situations very well he may not be able to look past it. Make sense now?

nope. an embarrassing situation would be pissing yourself in bed with your boyfriend because going to the toilet would mean ruining the moment. having an unexpected nosebleed is an entirely different situation and frankly, before this FML, I have never thought that anyone could think of it as something awkward.

I never said getting a nosebleed was awkward. Getting covered in someone else's blood on the other hand could be.

I'm half asleep and probably should have read your comment properly. I never intended to suggest having a nosebleed is awkward.

Wasn't there an FML a while back about a guy who drumped his girlfriend because she had a seizure in Olive Garden? People will break up for stupid reasons so I could see this as a test.

perdix 29

I wonder if the shock was over the sight of blood or the anticipation of the dry cleaning bill! Silk sheets -- aaaaiiiieeeeeee! Not to mention the potential domestic violence report the dry cleaners have to file with the police.

I'm sorry op that must of been embarrassing but didn't you notice it was red plus it would of felt warm

yes, because blood is obviously the only body fluid that is warm.

Sounds like he was "******* your brains out".

Don't worry OP, this actually tends to happen to a lot of people (the unnoticed bleeding confused with a runny nose) but you should have excused yourself to wipe your nose, regardless of ruining the moment.

Period of the nostril. Only happens ever so often. Hahaha

wipe it off with your arm is not what you should do, woman.