Rude awakening

By oww - 15/11/2009 19:38 - United States

Today, I woke up with a bloody nose and my lamp next to me in bed. Apparently I grabbed the cord of the lamp and yanked while I was sleeping, and it fell on my face. The worst part? My boyfriend saw it was going to happen, but didn't stop me because he thought it would be funny to "see my reaction." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 250
You deserved it 3 395

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FederalAgent 0

Your wording is the funniest part i.e... "my lamp next to me in bed" "yanked while I was sleeping"

Well, you got to admit that it must have been funny to watch.


FederalAgent 0

Your wording is the funniest part i.e... "my lamp next to me in bed" "yanked while I was sleeping"

Darksect0r13 0
Samantha_Elaine 7
Joeboy777 0

I'd let the same happen to my chick, girl! Lighten up, it didn't kill you, it's funny!

ouch!!! didnt u feel it when it hit your face? and ur bf is a jerk :|

ya wouldn't you wak up from feeling you nose hurting? by i would laugh my ass off too sorry

Well, you got to admit that it must have been funny to watch.

Don't blame it on your boyfriend. Maybe you need therapy.