Lost in the sauce

By sifa - 10/04/2009 07:06 - Malaysia

Today, I went for a lunch interview for my dream job. The interview was great and at the end, I tried to seal the deal by complimenting my future boss. I said, "You're really hardworking. Do you always work on a Saturday?" He looked at me, smiled and then wrote something down. Today's Friday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 841
You deserved it 59 886

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't really see how that would effect the rest of the interview.

How do you not know what day of the week it is? Especially if you have an important appointment like a job interview.


How do you not know what day of the week it is? Especially if you have an important appointment like a job interview.

chrisbeaudoin 26

Could've just been a bit nervous too

Don't really see how that would effect the rest of the interview.

I'll put five on that you didn't get the job?

SamuraiDeli 0

#2 - I think someone be less enthused to hire an employee that forgets the days of the week. As in the employee might not show up for work one day because they thought it was a Saturday, when it was actually a Friday.

greysgal15 0

haha that sounds like something I'd do. Sorry but YDI lol

may_cause_fail 0

Doesn't like it should big too big of a deal. But if this site has taught me anything, it's that showing off often leads to failure.

#4: I'm not sure that much thought would've gone into it. More like, "S/he doesn't know what day it is? What an idiot!"