Love language

By upupandaway - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I spent two hours perfecting a really romantic text message to my boyfriend for our one year anniversary. I listed all the things I loved about him, and recalled some of our best times together. Two minutes after I sent it, he replied, "Huh?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 783
You deserved it 10 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DontModMeDammit 10

It's a text, never say anything meaningful in a text.


i thought thats what cards are for.

Melissac2011 1

Daaaang, that sucks. Better luck next time :)

bitchslapped22 14

Why don't you actually go spend your anniversary with him, instead of thinking of a good text to send him for two hours...yeah, that's some real love you have there.

Jackasss_fml 14

U deserved it for making ur relationship so shallow and cheap by expressing urself on damn text, for **** sake atleast get a greeting card. U deserve it .... C U N T !!

Don't tell "You-know-who", but I secretly stole the translator. *WHOP. WHOP. WHOP* Shit. How do you work this thing?

You can actually see an example of all caps rage.

Chill the **** out just cause they communicate through txt dosen't mean their relationship is "shallow" at least she made an effort to be romantic regardless of the form

^^^ and of course this comes from a teenager

Surely it would have been more romantic if she said it to him or over the phone o_o

mariet_fml 23

I'm gonna go with the popular opinion and say you should have written it down or called him if face to face communication wasn't an option. Ffs.

'really romantic text message'? How about a nice handwritten note? Or card?

Two hours damn your wrote a whole novel!!!