By Anonymous - 23/04/2009 13:35 - United States

Today, I sent my boyfriend of three and a half years a text message spilling my heart out, saying I'll love him forever, and how much I appreciate him in my life, that I want to be the mother of his children, etc. His text back to me? "Are you drunk?!?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 073
You deserved it 67 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think the "mother of your children" part probably prompted his question more than anything else

Yeah that's a pretty awkward thing to send over a text..


I'd probably ask the same thing. That's random to say and I assume you guys are young?

Yeah that's a pretty awkward thing to send over a text..

You told your boyfriend the most important things one can say in a relationship in a text message. YDI x1000000

I know! those things sjouke be said at a romantic time alone together. not over txt. and if u randomly txt him all that, of course he'll think you're drunk! ydi

ew. I'd NEVER send this to my boyfriend. yuck. tell him it in PERSON when you two are alone... ehhh....YDI

I don't think it was a good idea at all to text that, but I think he could be a little more sensitive than just saying, "Are you drunk?!"

KiKiomggg 1

Actually.. I think most people's first react to it is 'are u drunk' lol. But seriously tho, suddenly say all of that I want to be your baby's mother and I love you forever will creep everyone out. Sorry, but ydi

yeah don't tell someone that you want to be the mother of his children. Kinda creepy.

i don't think he meant it in a hurtful way.. you probably just took him by surprise

I think the "mother of your children" part probably prompted his question more than anything else

lol she waited 3 1/2 years thats an amazing feat these days hell im lucky if i have a relationship last six months

Sabster 0

^ Agreed. Besides, texting isn't the best place to say something like, talking in person always works ;)

bridgetheartsyou 0

you want to be the mother of his babies? you sound very young. that is kinda strange. especially on a text saying something that intimate.

i would have asked exactly the same, were you out of your mind?

i think it's nice to say that to someone, even if it is a little random, but what your boyfriend texted back was funny, and im sure he didnt mean it in a bad way. :)

Although you meant well, you probably overwhelmed him. Maybe next time you should tell him those things face to face.